Walk and Learn about the Healing Power of Plants

Saturday, May 4th 10 am to 12:30 pm* at the Fountain at the Roost.

*This event will be rescheduled only in the event of thunderstorms or severe weather.*

Sip on a comforting medicinal tea before embarking on a 2.5-hour guided journey learning the wonders of medicinal plants as your walk near the Village ponds. Enjoy a natural food treat and immerse yourself in nature’s wisdom. Receive detailed information and notes on the plants you encounter and discover the magic of nature’s pharmacy.

Melanie is a Community Herbalist who has studied plants internationally and across the United States for the past 10 years. She began Root 2 Rise Wellness to connect people of all ages to their roots, nature, and healthy practices through conscious community. For more information, click here.

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